Monday, September 15, 2008


Beowulf as a Christlike figure;

Beowulf is a Christlike figure because he comes to save people. He saves them from death, painful death. His singular attitude towards people assures them that he will kill the monsters, Grendel and the Lady Monster. Christ saves people from eternal damnation from the fiery pits of hell. People give Beowulf a sword, like the wise men give Jesus gifts. Grendel comes with men to fight the monsters and save people. In the book he asks that his men are taken care of, if he dies. Christ asks that people take care of each other, that way nobody is left out. Christ has time for everyone. In the end Beowulf and Christ die rigorously for the people to carry on, and they made it better for people. That is why Beowulf is a Christlike figure in the book.

1 comment:

Brian said...


Nice use of appositives phrases; Maybe spice up and sophisticate the wrap up sentence at the end; Change the prepostion 'from' to 'in' before 'fiery pits of hell'; Interesting parallel between giving gifts in both cases; I never thought about that before; When you're comparing and contrasting, maybe use transition/connect words between sentences like 'similarly', 'likewise', 'on the other hand' and 'however'. You draw other interesting parallels as well. Some of your sentence beginnings could be varied a bit; Even though rigorous can mean harsh, I don't if I would use it referring to death;
Nice use of the word 'singular' though;

Grade: 21/25